Provincial Press Home Page

Claitor’s  Publishing  Division



rovincial Press is pleased to announce that what was first thought to be a cessation of publishing activity has been merely a suspension. This renaissance is made possible by association with Claitor’s Publishing Division of Baton Rouge, now in its 88th year, well-known for excellence in research tools.

      In order to proceed with due deliberation, only new and a selection of the most popular Provincial Press titles will be available for immediate sale – then, gradually, others. All of our titles may, however, continue to be viewed at our web-site on our Full Catalogue (without prices). These titles shown without prices are not being sold at present but will be available again when we are back in full production. We invite you without obligation, of course  – to let us know which books you want to purchase, giving Provincial Press a gauge for production purposes. 

Titles that are still in stock may viewed and ordered, by mail, from our Catalogue. These orders should be sent to the address below.

     You are also invited to visit for details on other important titles. These include the late Father Donald J. Hébert’s many books. Famed columnist Damon Veach’s writings offer book reviews, helpful clues, and hints for all family historians via Claitor’s site.


P R O V I N C I A L   P R E S S

3653 Perkins Road             Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808

Phone: 225-344-0476    Fax: 225-344-0480 

 Provincial Press Home Page

Updated 8 April 2010.